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1993 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award
1994 IEEE Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award
1999 IEEE Circuits and Systems Golden Jubilee Medal
1996-1997 Distinguished Lecturer
2004-2005 Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
2005-2007 Member, Board of Governors, Circuits and Systems Society
2004-2005 Chair, VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee
IEEE CASS Position History:
- Present Emeritus Member (VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee (VSA TC))
- 2025-Present 2025-2027 Member at Large (Board of Governors)
- 2025-Present Industrial Pioneer Award Subcommittee Chair (Industrial Pioneer Award Subcommittee)
- 2025-Present ISCAS Steering Committee Members (ISCAS Steering Committee )
- 2025-Present Member (Conference Activities Division)
- 2025-Present ISCAS Steering Committee Members (AdHoc Committees)
- 2025-Present IEEE Brain Initiative (Representatives to other IEEE Entities)
- 2025-Present Industrial Pioneer Award Subcommittee Chair (Awards Committee Chairs)
- 2024-Present Editor-in-Chief (CAS Magazine Editorial Board)
IEEE CASS Recognitions:
- 2019-2021 Distinguished Lecturer
- 2021 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society John Choma Education Award
- 2017 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Mac Van Valkenburg Award
- 2017 Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI) Best Paper Award
- 2012 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award