CASIF 2024

Asia Product Cybersecurity and Privacy Summit

Geographic Location
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Asia Product Cybersecurity and Privacy Summit

Event Menu


Our global technology collaboration forum Cybersecurity Summit is coming to Singapore.

We are excited together with our customers, partners, experts’ community, and Continental executives for this meet on 17 April 2024 at Continental Singapore. The Future is Now, and collaboration makes the difference.

At this year’s Product Cybersecurity & Privacy Summit, you can expect to:

  • Discuss and exchange ideas through thought provoking panel discussions.

  • Explore the latest product Cybersecurity and best-in-class solutions.

  • Discover more on the innovation & start-up ecosystem within Asia-Pacific region and how Continental shapes the future of technology with partners.

Registration ends on 3 April 2024, register here.

Time (SGT)


8.30 - 9.30

Registration and Power Breakfast

9.30 - 9.35

Welcome address by Dr Estelle Wang,


Head of Product Cybersecurity & Privacy Office, SCT,


Continental Automotive Singapore

9.35 - 9.40

Opening message by KF Lo, President, Continental Automotive Singapore

9.40 - 9.45

Introduction by Professor Yuanjin Zheng, Chair,IEEE CAS SG Chapter

9.45  10.15

Keynote1: Cybersecurity on mobility by Michael Kasper

CEO of Fraunhofer Singapore Research Ltd



10.15 -10.45

Keynote 2: ost-Quantum cryptography in automotive security by uben Niederhagen

Associate Research Fellowat the Institute of Information Scienceat Academia Sinica in Taiwan & Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark


10.45 -11.00

Coffee break

11.00 -11.30

Keynote 3: Autonomous framework on AI by Nielsde Boer

Chief Operating Officer, Energy Research Institute @ NTU; Senior Programme Direction for Centerof Excellence for Testing &Research Autonomous Vehicles



11.30 -12.00

Keynote 4: IEEE standards for AI/Autonomous Drivingby Ravi Subramaniam Senior Director (Acting), Global Business Strategy and Intelligence at the IEEE Standards Association, USA



12.00 -13.45

Networking Luncheon

General Chair(s)