Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Program (iDLP)


The Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Program (iDLP) aims to educate IEEE members about advanced topics of primary importance to the industry and the CASS community. In this initiative, leading speakers from industry deliver lectures on such topics worldwide through iDLP events organized by IEEE, in the context of IEEE Chapters and conferences.

The iDLP series promotes the diffusion of cutting-edge knowledge with an emphasis on industrial challenges and perspective, for the benefit of IEEE CASS members. At the same time, the speakers and their employing companies are given the opportunity to make a strong international impact, as already proved for decades in the equally prestigious DLP program.

Ultimately, the iDLP program aims to strengthen the ties between IEEE members and industry leaders and foster the virtuous circle that has determined the success of CASS over the decades.

For inquiries on the CASS Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Program (iDLP), please contact the iDLP Chair. We look forward to making together a better IEEE CASS through the iDLP program and further promoting excellence and knowledge in our society.


Inviting a Lecturer

A request for a lecture by one of the CASS Industry Distinguished Lecturers must be made by a local sponsoring organization with direct involvement and approval of the corresponding CASS Chapter Chair. Chapters are strongly encouraged to make use of the CASS IDLP to enhance their member benefits. Although lectures are mainly organized to benefit existing members and Chapters, they can also be effective in generating membership and encouraging new chapter formation. Interested parties should submit the IDLP Request Form.

Please see the Inviting a Lecturer page for further information and detailed instructions.

Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Program Selection Committee Members

Industrial Distinguished Lecturer Roster