MSA TC Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationInterDigital at New YorkIEEE RegionRegion 01 (Northeastern U.S.)
MSA TC Chair-Elect
CountryMACAffiliationUniversity of MacauIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
MSA Committee Member
CountryCANAffiliationSimon Fraser UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 07 (Canada)
CountryTURAffiliationÖzyeğin University, TurkeyIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCHNAffiliationFudan UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationUniversity of Science and Technology ChinaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountrySGPAffiliationSingapore University of Technology and DesignIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationInterDigitalIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
CountryTWNAffiliationNational Cheng Kung UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryBRAAffiliationFederal University of PelotasIEEE RegionRegion 09 (Latin America)
AffiliationÉcole de technologie supérieure, CanadaIEEE RegionRegion 07 (Canada)
CountryFRAAffiliationCNRSIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
AffiliationShandong UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryGBRAffiliationUniversity of GlasgowIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryROKAffiliationSung Kyun Kwan UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationPeking UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationShenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University
CountryUSAAffiliationWashington University, St. LouisIEEE RegionRegion 05 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Southern CaliforniaIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
CountryAUSAffiliationUniversity of WollongongIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationSun Yat-sen UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)IEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationPeking UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationJD.comIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationMicrosoftIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationSanta Clara UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationTsinghua UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationMicrosoft Research AsiaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity at Buffalo, The State University of New York (SUNY)IEEE RegionRegion 01 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryTWNAffiliationNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Southern CaliforniaIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
AffiliationShandong University
CountryCHNAffiliationShandong Normal UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryFRAAffiliationCNRS, FranceIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryGBRAffiliationUniversity of BedfordshireIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
AffiliationNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationTsinghua UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationBaiduIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryHKGAffiliationCity University of Hong KongIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationWuhan UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationTsinghua UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationNorth Carolina State UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 03 (Southeastern U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationHarbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)IEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationBytedance Inc.IEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountrySGPAffiliationSingapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)IEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryMACAffiliationUniversity of MacauIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)